How To Bring Good Feng Shui Into Your Medical Office

albany day hospital medical office interior design

How To Bring Good Feng Shui Into Your Medical Office

Office feng shui has become increasingly popular in Australia over the years as businesses, including medical offices, seek to improve energy, employee productivity, and business fortune. Today, our internal research shows that approximately 20% of Australian offices incorporate Feng shui elements.

Want to learn more about the art of feng shui and how you can incorporate the principles in the medical office? Join us as we dive deeper into the discussion. 

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese technique that entails constructing a setting that is in harmony with its surroundings. Feng shui in Chinese literally translates to “wind” (Feng) and “water” (Shui).

Objects in a room are organised according to the flow of natural energy in feng shui. The notion also includes the use of colours, textures, and the arrangement of space to create a pleasant atmosphere.

Applying feng shui elements to your medical clinic is one method to establish a tranquil, productive, and wellness-centric atmosphere. It is believed to foster pleasant energy that spreads throughout your life. 

Use these feng shui design tips to make your medical office a happier, more balanced place to work:


Know the critical feng shui elements

To attain equilibrium in a medical office, feng shui employs the elements of earth, metal, water, wood, and fire. Each element adds a different form of energy to a space and can be represented by different materials, colours, or objects. 


  • Water and metal are ideal for a feng shui medical office. Water, which is often regarded as a symbol of prosperity, can offer tranquillity and flow to your work space, whereas metal fosters sharpness and precision—ideal for medical operations. 
  • Try placing a little fountain, a small metal sculpture, or other beautiful pieces that represent these aspects in your feng shui office layout. 
  • Decorating your medical office in blue, grey, and white should also imply water and metal.


  • Feng shui experts advise against using fire in the workplace because it “may burn the energy away and produce tension.” 
  • Using candles or decorating with red colours are also not recommended in medical office feng shui because they might bring “turmoil and chaos” to your work life.


Declutter your medical office 

A clean, clutter-free medical office feng shui will allow you to concentrate on the task at hand rather than the mess around you. Remove any extraneous materials from your feng shui desk placement, including old paperwork, excess office supplies, and other random items. 

Additionally, addressing your storage requirements and reducing visual clutter may boost your productivity. The key is to understand how your medical practice works to know what kind of storage is required. 

What medical tools do you need to be at arm’s reach? How can you ensure that everything is sterile? 


· Opt for an optimal feng shui medical office layout

The desk should be oriented enough that you can observe who is entering and exiting the room. This is a position of power, and it means great success. Having your back at the door makes you vulnerable and anxious.

The ideal feng shui desk placement is in the centre of the room, so energy can flow all around you, but if that isn’t possible, make sure your back isn’t facing the door.

However, not all medical office layouts allow for the perfect desk position. If your back must face the door, feng shui design experts recommend placing a mirror in front of your desk so you can see who is entering and going. Ideally, you should have your back to a wall (rather than a window or other furniture like a bookcase).


· Bring nature’s relaxing effects into your medical workplace

Nature teaches us to take a step back, breathe, and flow in order to keep focused without being overwhelmed or intense. Plants or photographs of natural scenery can help to bring the relaxing influences of nature into your workspace. 

Decorate with mountain art in particular. Hang a picture of the mountains behind you as a reminder that mountain energy provides support and helps you stay grounded. A window with a view also helps you stay motivated throughout the day.

According to Feng Shui principles, the interiors of a medical office should be constructed so that they receive an adequate amount of natural sunlight. You can achieve this office feng shui design by reducing the usage of blinds or drapes or by installing skylights. If this isn’t possible, utilise artificial lighting in warm yellow tones to illuminate the dark areas. To control the flow of air, keep windows and doors open, add plants, or use air purifiers.

Studies show that post-operative recovery time is reduced by 8.5% and pain medication by 22% in biophilic surroundings.

Simply spending 10 or 15 minutes in nature might help alleviate several health problems, including high blood pressure, muscle tension, and abnormal heart rate. 


· Choose the best medical office feng shui colours 

Aside from the plan, you should also consider the colours and materials of your medical workspace. Colours are quite significant in feng shui, especially in a setting such as a healthcare office. The colours you use should be determined by the type of task you are doing. 

Blue, blue-green, and green are excellent colours to choose since they are calming and peaceful. Wall textures and patterns should be avoided. Earth tones can also be beneficial if you are in a stressful environment such as a medical office. 


If you’re planning for a medical office move or you simply want to rethink your office layout, this epic concept is worth considering. Simple efforts such as feng shui desk placement and positioning your furniture correctly, adding particular pieces, and adopting the right colours will assist with improving the flow of your medical work space.